Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Full Moon

I just love the giant full moon tonight. Makes me think of love, makes me think of epic romances. Not going to sigh so much, but hey- it takes my breath away, La Luna~

Saturday, July 11, 2009

No longer

It is very, very simple. I ask for some decent suggestions, all I get is plagarized nonsense, repeated text messages of nonsense, penyeluru nonsense. It would be better to say "no ideas" or "I got nothing" or even "sorry". And then you go calling me an ungrateful sod. Please don't use the word if you've never set foot in the UK. I did not ask to be annoyed, peppered with stupid suggestions.

This is a continuing trend with you. No more. You are no longer my friend and I am no longer your friend. it was a total waste of time and effort.

"I am not your doormat" -funny Kye, you seem to be everyone else's.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Where have I been?

I haven't been blogging for a while, not that anyone really *reads* this blog to care, but I still have to explain myself once in a while. Being at work really takes up a lot of time and I'm not currently blessed with Internet at work (barring phone facebook of course). Even after that I'm usually jogging or watching a movie or just chillaxing.

It's been what, two months! that's too long even for a non serial blogger...I don't even know when to start!

This was me on Thursday in Ward 21 of RIPAS hospital.... damn you gastroentritis!!! Almost missed...

The pictures are on my facebook- tag yourself !

I was glad that everything went well and everyone enjoyed themselves. Everyone clearly worked hard but also had a lot of fun. The lecturers were great and a lot of fun! Somehow I ended up being the semi official photographer- hope everyone is pleased with the pics! And no complaints about the flash- without it you might as well wear a ninja mask!

Well done to everyone -Zul, Mun, AJ, Yuzzey, Efna, Diyana, Lisa and the rest of BPMFASS! From start to finish, practically flawless.

I sincerely hope this isn't the last we see of each other... I don't want to hang around 40 year old career people all the time!

-hoping to blog more, Phantom "on MC" S

listening to :- Opeth- Burden

Monday, March 09, 2009

the week in pictures

Monday, February 02, 2009

Tagged by Yuz

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her:

* Knew him through Ajmal ,who always called him 'Sop'
* Likes to listen to krumping music
* The calmest man in Brunei- hooked him up to the OGDC brain wave
machine and his graph was flatter than a pancake!
* He practices Tae Kwon Do
*never seen without his glasses
* He changes his Facebook status very often
* Loves McDs
* Promised to blog only on the weekends
* His catchphrase with me is 'CHICKENWINGS'
* Prefers the Primera Liga to the English Premiership

The person who get tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself:

* I have, want and need friends and am hurt by rejection
* I'm 26 but haven't changed since I was 16.
* I like to eat out a lot
* I don't seem to make funny jokes
* I dream of being self-employed
*I like to play video games but not with people
* I play electric guitar
* My favorite imaginary weapon is the lightsaber
* I hang up on emotional things for months or even years.
* I want to lose weight but Brunei seems to refuse , even the weather hates me.

You need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names:

* Azhan
* Amin
* Katie
* Nisa
*Ani (handbag guru)
*Abu (DBC)
*Kak Chan

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bonne Annie' La Cine


Year Of The Ox

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's DARK!

I can barely see anything between Kiulap and Gadong :ohnoes:!

ah camera is on it's way. That's it!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Noie Yahren 2009 Parte1

It's already 2009? damn , I need to go back to work sleep!

The year started nicely enough, with a trip to JP with the geng - it ain't about fireworks, it ain't about the parties, it's about who you're spending it with. I spent many New Year's Eves asleep because I couldn't just be bothered with celebrating it, especially when overexcited people would try to burst in and go HAPPY NEW YEAR when really they were only being happy for themselves.

Going back to work is a drag for anyone, but with a new office, plenty of new opportunities to escape work outside, the future is still dark, but there is a big ol' torchlight in the backpack now.

my new office- cosy isn't it?

( I also have a new phone! I don't have to post pictures of it- just google "Sony Ericsson c905" :P)

The start of the year dragged on as it always does- everyone on leave, no one actually going anywhere. My mind cast itself back to 2008, such a fun year. The calendar in front of me however said 2009,2009,2009 and I just sighed. One fun way to pass the time, however is to read novels by authors you never bothered to read or had forgotten. For me, that author was Mario Puzo and the books were (of course) the Godfather, The Sicilian and his final book
Omertà. Incredibly engrossing reading, so much so that I managed to finish all three in two weeks. I haven't even watched the Godfather movies in full yet!

Me after reading what Luca Brasi did to Capone's triggermen*

Another reminder of 2008 came up when the results for the final exams of 2008 came out, quite late , if experience tells us anything. Naturally I hopped out of my office window, slid down the pipe, bounced off someone's Landcruiser and straight into my car the moment the SMS came to me. There's always a crowd but you always look for people you know- in this case Yuzzey, Arina, AJ, Arif and Amin. There was this one mad rush at one point when an exam sheet got ripped off the board but otherwise there were more people gossiping or texting rather than looking at the very small result text....

I wanted to post a real photo here but it never wanted to load.
So enjoy the kangaroo.

I do however have to announce some resolutions for this year which have to be fulfilled in some shape or form but not in any order.

-lose enough weight to regain the 60% or my wardrobe that doesn't fit.

-ensure all emotional boundaries are made secure and well defined. A fence is not for sitting on.

-Carry out threats as promised.

-Actually manage to remember and play a whole song.

-writing a song of my own.

-go to a place I had never been to before.

-wake up on time for things!

-Come to terms with the fact that not all people will tell you everything but hate you anyway.

-get something published, even if it has to be porn.

- get a DSLR camera that rocks but doesn't hurt.

-once again, venture into the world of the woman and bring back something other than her shattered heart (or her head).

-hurt who I intend to hurt and enjoy it very much.

Part 2 to come later....but wait...

*Luca Brasi caught the two guys, stuffed them up to their necks in mail sacks. He then took an axe and chopped up one of them to bits. The other guy was so shocked that he swallowed the towel in his mouth and died