Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm back

and what a trip it was. There are a billion pics to upload, so this post is not going to be a photodump for now.

Thanks go to:-

-Zia and the Rahman family for putting me up (or putting up with me) for two weeks, enjoyed the grocery shopping, the chats in front of the TV, big thanks to the sisters for the phone tips and in general for giving me a roof over my head for nothing. Next time bro, just give me the floor, I really don't mind! Keep in touch, your phone may ring next year! Your mother was right , I really felt like a part of the family....

-My dear,dear,dear sister. There is really nothing and no one like you in the world. We did and still do argue about a lot of things but I can never replace you. I'd rather fight with you for the rest of my life than have no one to fight with. Being in Liverpool with you, seeing you in charge of and dad couldn't be prouder if they saw you themselves. I certainly am VERY proud of you. I'm actually having trouble trying this blog because I'm crying....

And it's not the Sky TV I'm missing either hehehe...(sikit sikit lah)

-Sani the Podiatrist in training. I never thought I'd see the English coast again, or a naked Borat for that matter....keep your head up and see you in December! Thanks for a great day in Eastbourne!

-All the staff of Southern, Virgin and London Transport for not striking when I was travelling or giving me advice and directions, and for the smooth movement. People complain about you but coming from this piece of train-less, bus less rock I am eternally in your debt.

-Johnny Cash, The Beatles, Paul Gilbert for being the soundtrack to my trip and as it stands my entire life!

-Scuzz TV, Redemption TV, Bravo, Five Life for giving me something the wall of hate here restricts ever so much.

-Bondy for attempting to put me up; you're still my pal and if there is any justice in the world we'll meet again and lepak for real!

-Orange Mobile and the guy in West Croydon for giving me a great phone for cut price and keeping me connected.

-Dude in Picadilly Circus- you know who you are, dude. You helped me fulfill one of my greatest desires; to see Arsenal at their own stadium. Of course they're losing at home right now...I hope I wasn't a jinx! You rule, theatre ticket man....

-Virgin Megastore, HMV, Fopp, Rockers, Sound Control, Turnkey, indie stores for once again, giving me a catalogue of dreams to stare at and occasionally purchase.

-Forbidden Planet : you still own my comic soul.

-Alice, Andrew, India and the Red Fireball for spending my last night with me in the Goldsmiths Tavern (where else!?) and discussing everything from Tamil film, herbal highness, audio voyeurism, dancing to 80s rock. Really reminded me of the days when I did this every night, ah to be young again.

-Alice in particular; it was great to meet you again, pity there was no Ana but I have your offer in my pocket and will cash it someday, rest assured :)

-Barek, Atha, Zhuhur, Farouk, Qamry, Rukshana, Hussain, Hakeem and all you professionals out there. Thanks for the bowling and the dinner at Nur. Gave Zia's SATNAV a workout, that's for sure!

-The entire city of London: I will love you forever as your son and citizen, I hope one day to be able to call myself a resident in your borders, you truly are the key to my life and my access to the world. My soul belongs in Makkah and Medinah but London is where I felt human, where I could enjoy life to the fullest. My life as it is , will be geared to honouring my memory in your city.

love you all, take care and remember me if you never hear of me again...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life Changes I suppose

In a the space of 24 hours I will return to the last place my former life exits- that land of football streakers, Z list celebs and more than a few protesters. England!

Expect my mood to increase 100 fold.

I will pray for a safe journey and a very slow return. Heathrow=hope. BIA=shadow.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Anger Angerrr!

As a bonded scholar who didn't major in education I'm still unhappy with the constant funneling of UK graduates into education for no reason other than "national needs".

This is the main reason why MinDEF made up its own scholarships- because they are sick of MOE stealing all the potential in Brunei.

Don't start with the Kennedy quote of what I can do for my country- I know what I want to to do for my country, and can I help it if it isn't teaching? I know people with great degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Accounting, Psychology (like me), even Pharmacy and Communication Technology- all teaching subjects like English ,Mathematics, Commerce.....

I'm totally disappointed with the 'pro-teaching' attitude in MOE- education is about goals that reach out beyond teaching and learning and into application. The current system only forces us to lower our skill level and put our lives on hold because in teaching there is no way up until you're nearer to 40 than 20.

Beware of scholarships- you may need them, but they condemn you to a lifetime of regret and uselessness.

Nothing against teachers themselves, mind you. Just those who have been funnelled, sorted, filtered, spat out and shat on when all we wanted was a career of our own

Fellow bonded people, let me as you this- do you feel like your degree was worth it now? I sure as heck don't, and I'm still wiping the brown stains off my face.

(repeated from the Brunei Resources blog- that was me too!)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Meine Farbes ist blau!

Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Blue!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Haji, your true color is Blue!

You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you — they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue — and patently you!

sehr gut :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Life Is Over as I know it.

H.M Akramin bin DP Haji Saifon (September 1982- September 2004)

that's not the guy who will blog here from now on. He died on 19th April 2006 when he received a heart attack reading a letter, after a year long coma where he taught Psychology at A Level. The letter contained a rejection of a dream. No more tutorship at UBD, the one thing the guy hoped for.
Hs dreams were crushed on the 19th and irreversably changed him.

I am Haji M.A now. I will write letters. I will see people. I will fight, ruthlessly to get out of teaching. I will fight for my life. H.M Akramin had a great life, we will always cherish it and all the friends we had.

My first step of renewal remove the hair style.

There Shall Be No Hair. In war, hair is something people can trap you with.

I will fight. No more by the book. Remove your doors, I am coming.

Monday, March 13, 2006

skajap lagi kan cutiii....dalam negri....

I seriously do not understand why someone working two years (1 daily, 1 monthly) still cannot apply for leave. It's bad enough we can only apply for it when there are school holidays, peak time for travelling and peak time for travelling costs. Why don't they just stamp 'J' on my passport and give me a yellow star like the people they are trying to emulate?

I guess it's the old people mentality, they have so much leave they can disappear for 6 months and then take sick leave in order to attend business board meetings.

Oh well, we're still cursed.

Sani- steaking, NOW!

Sungai Teraban indeed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


You Are 26 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hate Is Good

Hate keeps you safe from scorn

Hate keeps disagreements from turning into misguided understanding

Hate protects your values

Hate keeps money in your pocket

Hate protects, hate loves you more than anyone else

Hate keeps the fearful in check and prevents the weak from becoming strong

in short, Hate is wonderful. Don't waste it and don't abandon it. Love is a lie, hatred is the painful truth. Love brings blind hope, Hatred looks behind and laughs at the barren land behind it.

I worship hate in its purest form. It will keep me sane forever.