Monday, December 29, 2008


Today was a really nice day at the beach. I usually hate the beach, but as I always say, anything is doable if you are doing it with friends.

The planning session beforehand was in the lovely confines of the Nyonya Restaurant outdoor stalls, although the restaurant was long closed when we got there- pasar malam food will do just fine ! After the usual 'two channel' discussion (tau lah tuuu) the plan was least in theory! More on that later...

I was at Hua Ho at about 9.40 AM...still not open, but the doors were open and the escalators were working. It's interesting to see how people run around and prep a department store before it opens- I would have taken pictures but that would have been weird, plus I was also trying to save time. Picked up the BBQ chips and salsa and a few other things ( ROPE, DUDES?), then zoomed to Muara.

en route, someone texted me- "You got kerosene?" ......dude who the hell brings kerosene with them everywhere they go? Mi etu no capische! Sul serio...

Anykoows, I got there at about 10-ish and as usual there is no parking at the Muara Beach. Expand the beach and beautify it, but the car park? We have to start thinking like car-crazy Bruneians when we build these things....

Found Wafiy wandering around with his guitar like a gypsy and we found the others quite quickly. Amin, Azhan, Yuzzey, AJ, Mun, Faye, Farah were already there. We settled in and started the BBQ up, although to my shame I'm not really good at these things; I prefer cooking in the kitchen. Here's a shot of what I mean...

notice I'm missing? hehe kes inda pandai BBQ

Being a bit useless on the BBQ (plus still going around with the Gala guilt) I took to the guitar. Now I can't sing, so it's very unlikely I know any songs! even if I did play along to one no one would probably know the words! so thank goodness for this fella showing up...

yes he reads the news!

The plan was to do some after-lunch activities, and we proceeded to the first; a pass-the-parcel kind of game. I was kind of hoping for spin the bottle, but we didn't have a bottle heheheheh.... the task was simple, someone keeps time with music and everyone passes a ball around. The Ball Getter would have to do something that Amin made up. I got the 'be a baby' command...

But lo! the second event was somewhat pre-empted by a FASHION SHOW! That's right, a HEELS FROM HELL show! Needless to say, the 'heel relay' was off! Just look at these raging hormones! Pure beauty in heels made to er...inflict pain!

I only know these guys like this- ankles and above!

I don't know these girls... Thailand trannies?

The rest was a long.......long........long.......long walk to the end of the beach! I don't know what else to say, that's all it was! Dropped my phone but luckily Azahan found it ! Other than that it was walk, pose for pics, walk, pose for pics, pose for more pics, walk, walk, pose.... very Bruneian, no? Who are we if not the most able volunteers for strange/mad poses!

The last interesting find was this marlin Yuz and I ran into. It seemed to be carrying its eggs so it was a female (swordfish species are like that).

That is one huge fish! (and those are Azahan's fingers)

I still owe the girl on the left an apology for something I still don't know what I did....but as a wise friend says, 'move on'....but I'm still scratching my head. Just what did I do? That should be the mystery of 2008, we have 2009 to ponder over it....

or as they say in babel -Japanese...

私はまだ私が….したことを左の女の子に私がまだ知らない何かのための謝罪を負うしかし賢い友人として言ったり、続く私の生命と….しかし私はまだ私の頭 部を傷付けている。 ちょうど私は何をしたか。 それは2008年のミステリーべきである私達過すそれを熟考するべき2009年を….

Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Yuz

biar ia heheheh.....

I had to visit the eye doctor yesterday after a crazy allergic reaction to some 'batang pisang' vegetables (not the banana fruit, thank God) left me with eyes that looked like minus signs.

the problem was I have this crazy shifting phenomenon going on when I look straight- my carpet and even my Guitar Hero Highway look like they're off center and running to catch up with the rest of my vision!

I now have three eyedrops, one eye cream and two anti histamine sets to take for 14 days.

The scariest part though, was when the optometrist dabbed these color drops into my eye. For 10 minutes, everything was in this color! I panicked and almost ran out the room! I thought I was going blind or something- no wonder I couldn't look straight!

Having my eyesight affected is not fun, I tell you...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

Lets101 Quizzes - fun Myspace quiz

One of those tag thingies

The rule is , google image

The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results and post it as your answer. Have fun..

(a) place you'd like to travel to

(b) a favorite place

(c): a thing you can't live without

(d): favorite food

(e): college major

(f): a bad habit

(g): the name of my love

(h): searching for

(i): wishlist