Thursday, November 20, 2008

2007-2008 in a nutshell

When I first got the order to do the PGCE at UBD I balked and let out more flames and fire than a dragon eating peppers in hell. I condemned everything from the top to bottom and how stupid rules affect smart people (I still do). Now that it's ending I'm rather sad at having to leave. I feel like I've had two experiences of youth time- one in the UK and now here. I feel more well rounded and fluent and 'in touch'.

The first semester was interesting to say the least (the paperwork trail before was NOT) but I felt really detached from the education courses but really stuck into the History courses. It's no surprise most of my UBD friends are from FASS and not SHIBIE. In fact I can't think of anyone (not from the PGCE course) from semester 1 who is still my friend now that semester 3 is ending that was from the SHBIE courses. The only damp squib was probably the slightly lame convo festival.... to be remedied in 2008!

I'd post some pics but I can't be arsed- maybe a later post? I haveto blog more....

Second sem was very interesting; for 80% of the PGCE people it was the last semester and for my new buddies at FASS it was their second, or second to last semester there. I met two of the members of the Midnight Malam Malam Makan team (we are all 'A' people too, including the honorary lady member heheh). The memories from this time in early 2008 were awesome- cramming and jamming PF2212 at Suzie's house, wise cracking Dr Kurtz's "tutorials", that Amway proposal (I said no) and of course Dr Boorer's awesome classes/tutorials/interview sessions. I miss you history people- MOT and all!

The TP? Less said about it the better. I heard the school went even crazier after I left, good riddance for me! (I think I still owe them some work).

There were those two awesome vacations- KL in June and Australia in July; it's all on the FB for details, I was extremely satisfied with both for different reasons. I lost a glove again in Australia , but otherwise breathing new air really makes me come to life. I am definitely coming back to both places for sure.

Third sem, that's when it really got exciting. With a smaller timetable life was easier, and the Hang Out period began. The arrival of a new VC as well as a veeeery familar BPM FASS committee (nothing against BMSHBIE, but their room is creepy) made for a cranking up of the excitement level. The MMMT team based ourselves in Red Canopy ( later Thyes) and even got into bowling. I also made friends with an assortment of people; amateur video coreographers, would be shredders, queens, hair models, metro boys, dive enthusiasts, coffee people, download kings/queens , drama folk , Romeos and Juliets, costume makers and cooks - to say the least. Whoever says UBD people are boring and identical really needs a Makita drill up the ass. I've never had a reason for staying up late so much until now!

According to my car, in the first two weeks of Raya I travelled a sum total of 10,520 km - that's 10 times round Brunei! Thanks to my scattered friends all over Brunei!

One thing might have made this less than perfect- a complete mess (on my part) after the Gala Night that was supposed to end the whole shebang.

I only have to say this- I am truly, deeply sorry to Hazemah and Faye for my reaction to your sincere apology. I've had a lot of people apologize to me in my life without being geniune. I eventually lost my trust in anyone who apologized, because people have done me in almost immediately after being sorry. You did not deserve such a harsh reply from me.

I. am. sorry.

As for two people who have somehow turned from warm to cold - Niza and Mun; I have no idea what started your U-turns towards me, but I can only apologize here as well. I just wish I knew who or what happenned. I don't like being marooned, but being shunned hurts more ,no matter what I might have done. Feel free to hate me, but just tell me why. Hell, I'll give you each one free shot to my face. I just wish people would just tell the truth to me.