Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Air Supply, Man..~I'm all outta love~

An odd day. The lightest day of the year, it seems. We all sat in Kasco today having a 'staffroom chat' and then they mention her . Put her and the Vow Of Singlehood together, the latter seems shaky. I thought well, "we hate each other, so OK." I have no idea why, but I seemingly disagreed with myself when I said that.

And then we all bowled this afternoon. 4 days straight, man! and my score has now improved to well over 100 :D :D But the day was made by this odd feeling I hadn't had in what, nearly 3 years- that 'ooomp' feling in the chesty area (near the left boob). Damn it all...damn the VoS , it was her , unveiled and looking rather tight. She even spoke to me!

Had to fight every single urge to 'teach' her to bowl-even though I practically trained everyone else :*P I have no idea why this is happenning, damn these hormones! Kill Shyness, we declared on that rooftop in Paris. Birth Greatness, we said in Berlin's tunnels. Maybe in STPRI's offices I should say "Heal Lonely Hearts?" or "Fuck This, I'm Human."

Oh and we have a new 10 pound helicopter spin ball :D :D it's great bub...!!!!

till next time, you love -lacking lads and lasses.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Loss, Laziness and Love

First of all, I must declare my love for chicken pau.

I have lost the tasbih Dad gave me :( I warned him I'd lose it, and now I did. I'm just not good enough to hold on to things like that, nor can I appreciate wood. I'm sorry, I can't look for it anyways.

it feels great not going to work (and being allowed to) - must try this more often. Got work to do and exams to run next week, but hey,I pray the interview comes closer and closer...

and if anyone has seen the tasbih (probably around Gadong-ish) message me please!