Tuesday, December 06, 2005


what to do on a weeknight? Chat up mi partner in funny crime, Bondy ;)

jan marah ah Bapa Bondy kekekeke

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder -Me
cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler - Bondy the Urban Makcik

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
but more on your brother

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
he wear any metal besides rings?

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
he doesn't wear rings

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
nor jewellery really

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
my dad doesnt really like it heheh

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
your dad wasn't a hippie?

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
my dad was a hippie! lol so i dont understand why

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
maybe he wants his boy to be an upstanding young gentleman

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
lol true! Hahha

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
(and secretly wishing him to fail in that)

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
think malcolm in the middle

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
when his dad got his 'freedom'

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
but he always tells my brother 'rules are meant to be broken'

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
well let's just be glad this gentleman isn't on a ship

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
and isn't in charge of it when it's sinking

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
'forget the lifeboats, start up the band!'

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
titanic style

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
'but chief, we only have 12 people on this vessel'

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:

cats vs dogs- dogs hang out, cats don't. Cats are cooler says:
hahahahhahah lol im cracking up

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
'chief , the bass player just flew off on the last helicopter'

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
"call up Shell HQ, send us another one"

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
*lights up fag*

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
'chief, we're on an OIL tanker'

Icthion Satrinaga-I saw a rounder says:
"we're also sinking, and we don't have a bassist!"

Friday, November 25, 2005

Tag Tag Tag

10 years ago

13 years old , still pretending to be a character in my own 'novel'. The plot is so long and so spread out it will never be finished for the next 9 years. About this time I gave up on women (well, the possibility of being with one in a meaningful non-gigolo relationship) and football (that took longer, due to hormonal changes in the other guys). Start drafting Policies Of Isolationism, which are gone from hard records (thanks, rain water and careless amah) but are drilled into my head.

5 years ago

18- MD, in the great period of my life. New school, new life , and for once, real friends. Out 'bad-assed' the 'bad-ass' geography teacher , got recognition for being myself, learned 1001 secrets of Brunei life (no thanks to the sheltered MS bubble) and about a billion new words. Still diggin' the chicas with respect to the wall of isolationism. Won various awards, horizons expand. Witnessed the emergence of the extroverts in life and the 'ohnoes' that ensue. Discovered the Anime Grapevine and the MD player, as well as the Drama System that runs in Bruneian teenagers . Begin Fire Lord Badil wars in Kg.Kilanas, conflict goes on for weeks. That stash, ladies and gentlemen has yet to run out.

1 year ago

Very angry at everything. The Ministry that wanted to ruin my entire career. All the mamma-yappers that said 'English' to me. Immediately recall the Policies and isolate self from staff. Powers that be run out of batteries. Gulf between father and son expands to planetary size. I was cheated, betrayed, humiliated and ostracized for being a non-footballing person.

I still hate you all and would gladly miscarry your wives and bury your mothers alive. And let you watch.


I was the Ultra Merah Man!!! Wooooosh!

5 snacks I enjoy

1. White Chocolate
2. Hazel Nuts
3. Nutella
4: cheese and crackers

5 songs i know all the words to

1. Yngwie Malmsteen- Baroque and Roll (there are no words! hah! )
2. The great Malaysian poem 'Tak Tun' (those are the only words)
3.Duran Duran- White Lines
4. Los Lonely Boys -Conestacion
5.Transformers....more than meets the eye!.

5 things I would never wear

1.white pants....NO!
2. songkok (prefer topi haji), lime green,white, ash
4. necklaces
5. anything too 'hip hop'. Includes hoodies with no purpose, hockey shirts, bling, white sneakers, arm bands, head bands outside of aerobics and 60s rock , baseball caps.

oh fellas, and if you have a nose/ear/eyebrow/chin ring...YOU ARE GAY.

5 favourite Tv shows (in no particular order)

1. Samurai Jack/ Justice League
2. Channel V's Rock Show/ MTV's After School Rock
3.All things CSI
4. Angel
5. WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? <---- God's gift to Man after, free will, cheese....

5 bad habits

1. Open cast nose.
2. walking reeeeeeally slowly
3. making jokes so lame I hate them too.
4. 'shoot the pimple pus'
5. fumble bank notes and dropping at least one when....not buying anything

5 Biggest joys

1. Defeating someone with The Law
2. Guitar. All things guitar from pick sizes to Mark Tremonti's left pinky
3. Driving to Dragonforce blaring out the speakers (air guitar included)
4. Cuci mata
5. being needed.

5 fictional characters I would date

1. Pre-angelic form Cordelia Chase (Angel)
2. Yelena from CSI: Miami
3. Huntress (from Birds of Prey Comic)
4. Kate Bishop ( Young Avengers comic- er, when she's my age)
5. Karin Song (Voltage Fighter: Gowkaizer anime/game)

5 people I tagged this to


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Moving Chaos, No Tennis

It was hard enough to get a tennis court at 5pm and BAM!

-partner doesn't show up on time
-smarmy tennis coach thinks I'm a hudlum


And tommorow is the last day. Then they all move to the PTE and I get left behind along with 7 other people. It's not fair. I'm forced into this job and I don't even have any say in what I can do. That 'Crocodile Pit' incident back in the 60s sounds more alluring everyday.

It seems that no one is caring about anything in the office today- let it be, I don't either.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Air Supply, Man..~I'm all outta love~

An odd day. The lightest day of the year, it seems. We all sat in Kasco today having a 'staffroom chat' and then they mention her . Put her and the Vow Of Singlehood together, the latter seems shaky. I thought well, "we hate each other, so OK." I have no idea why, but I seemingly disagreed with myself when I said that.

And then we all bowled this afternoon. 4 days straight, man! and my score has now improved to well over 100 :D :D But the day was made by this odd feeling I hadn't had in what, nearly 3 years- that 'ooomp' feling in the chesty area (near the left boob). Damn it all...damn the VoS , it was her , unveiled and looking rather tight. She even spoke to me!

Had to fight every single urge to 'teach' her to bowl-even though I practically trained everyone else :*P I have no idea why this is happenning, damn these hormones! Kill Shyness, we declared on that rooftop in Paris. Birth Greatness, we said in Berlin's tunnels. Maybe in STPRI's offices I should say "Heal Lonely Hearts?" or "Fuck This, I'm Human."

Oh and we have a new 10 pound helicopter spin ball :D :D it's great bub...!!!!

till next time, you love -lacking lads and lasses.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Loss, Laziness and Love

First of all, I must declare my love for chicken pau.

I have lost the tasbih Dad gave me :( I warned him I'd lose it, and now I did. I'm just not good enough to hold on to things like that, nor can I appreciate wood. I'm sorry, I can't look for it anyways.

it feels great not going to work (and being allowed to) - must try this more often. Got work to do and exams to run next week, but hey,I pray the interview comes closer and closer...

and if anyone has seen the tasbih (probably around Gadong-ish) message me please!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Go For it

This is it, 22 days and counting before I have to accept (or not) the permanent job offer. My mind is in a billion places at once now; this is the critical junction of my life. I am sick of my father whining about being passed over, he never worked for a corporation or a sports team, I guess.

What is in the future? Will I be able to continue in my field? Wil I be sucked into endless teaching and the life of a nomad? I cannot wait, we retire absurdly early here and others are advancing in their careers.

Good Lord, you seem to have ignored my calls. I suppose I , like my father am to be cursed with mediocrity. I might as well have died in Paris.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Empty, just empty

Due to several blunders on my part and others, now even the PGCE is in danger of not happenning-and with it the idea of any employment. I hope to fix this on Monday, but I am wondering how my life fell apart in five months. From beaming graduate to stuck-in the mud fool. I feel so empty, so homeless, so hopeless. Am I as smart as I think? Am I as able to deal with this?

I am so alone, so lost ,so empty. I don't understand how or why this has happenned. I feel sorryt for everyone who has believed in me, trusted me. I have gone and proven them all. I'm just a loser.

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Here I am, sitting at my table wondering what could happen tommorow. It's the first day of teaching, and her we have a completely unwilling grad, pressed into the service and wanting to leave ASAP.

I'm not holding on to any blame put forward to me- the ones who sent me here are to blame for all calamities ensuing. If they wanted a teacher so bad, they should have extended my scholarship to PGCE level, Idiots. Fools. Only God can have mercy on their souls, and I hope He doesn't.

Forgive me ,children. You prayed for an angel, God sent you a living devil.