Friday, November 26, 2004


What do I do now?

I'm getting more and more attached to the people at school. Yet I know that in the future teaching will make me unhappy. The interview results will come soon, and I haven't even told the DP. I'm almost wishing they'd reject me now.... I still have to give a 14 day notice, too. Life is cruel at times. Life in an office, 7 to 4 (9 to 5?) ? I can't imagine moving again, even though I planned this. A career start at 22? not bad. A lot of new friends my age or even sights? not likely. Many ppl at Workplace NUmber 2 seem to be Michelin men and women.

There's even a sight or two here. Damn, how do I get into these things?! My roots are so dry it feels like I will be a nomad for a very long long time . How am I gonna grow old with anyone thins way? Maybe th 2 x 5 need to change...

sights- The One With The Blue Car (Generous?)
- She Who Smiles Not but is Damn Pretty ( KC ?)

Have challenged the Nas to find a job with his teaching degree. Good luck, buddy. Good luck.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ah , the first word is the hardest.... HANTAP ok now it's easy.

I guess I'm typing out of blog-dom. Lots to think, very little to say.

I wonder why.... - I keep looking at those friendster lists of beautiful women :P

- Arsenal can't win these days

- AKu ani inda laku

- aliens never land in my backyard, they always kidnap some white kid in roswell....